plot a ROI across multiple samples (x axis is RT, y axis is intensity). If curveFit is provided, the fitted curve for each sample is added.
curveFitSampleList = NULL,
rtMin = NULL,
rtMax = NULL,
sampling = 250,
sampleColour = NULL,
verbose = TRUE
(list) list of data.frame
of raw data
points for each sample (retention time 'rt', mass 'mz' and intensity 'int'
(as column) of each raw data points (as row)).
(list) NULL or a list of
(or NA) for each sample
(float) NULL or vector of detected peak minimum retention time (in sec)
(float) NULL or vector of detected peak maximum retention time (in sec)
(int) Number of points to employ when plotting fittedCurve
(str) NULL or vector colour for each sample (same length
as ROIDataPointSampleList
, rtMin
, rtMax
(bool) if TRUE message when NA scans are removed
Grob (ggplot object)
## Input data
# fake sample 1
# ROI data points
rt1 <- seq(990, 1010, by=20/250)
mz1 <- rep(522., length(rt1))
int1 <- (dnorm(rt1, mean=1000, sd=1.5) * 100) + 1
tmp_DataPoints1 <- data.frame(rt=rt1, mz=mz1, int=int1)
# fittedCurve
fit1 <- list(amplitude=37.068916502809756, center=999.3734222573454,
sigma=0.58493182568124724, gamma=0.090582029276037035,
fitStatus=2, curveModel='skewedGaussian')
class(fit1) <- 'peakPantheR_curveFit'
# fake sample 2
# ROI data points
rt2 <- seq(990, 1010, by=20/250)
mz2 <- rep(522., length(rt2))
int2 <- (dnorm(rt2, mean=1002, sd=1.5) * 100) + 1
tmp_DataPoints2 <- data.frame(rt=rt2, mz=mz2, int=int2)
# fittedCurve
fit2 <- list(amplitude=37.073067416755556, center=1001.3736564832565,
sigma=0.58496485738212201, gamma=0.090553713725151905,
fitStatus=2, curveModel='skewedGaussian')
class(fit2) <- 'peakPantheR_curveFit'
## Plot features in 1 sample without colours
rtMin=995., rtMax=1005.,
sampling=250, sampleColour=NULL, verbose=FALSE)
## Plot features in 2 samples with colours
curveFitSampleList=list(fit1, fit2),
rtMin=c(995., 997.), rtMax=c(1005.,1007.),
sampling=250, sampleColour=c('blue', 'red'), verbose=FALSE)