For a single ROI, plot the peak value and peakwidth (RT, m/z,
...) of detected peaks across multiple samples, by acquisition time or in
input order. If rotateAxis=FALSE
x is run order / plot order, y is the
/ widthMin
/ widthMax
, if
x is the measurement values and y the run order.
widthMin = NULL,
widthMax = NULL,
acquTime = NULL,
varName = "variable",
sampleColour = NULL,
rotateAxis = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE
(float) vector of apex value
(float) vector of detected peak minimum peakwidth value or NULL (if NULL no peakwidth)
(float) vector of detected peak maximum peakwidth value or NULL (uf NULL no peakwidth)
(POSIXct) vector of sample acquisition time as POSIXct or NULL (if NULL points are plotted in the order values are passed as input with the first on top or left)
(str) Name of the variable to plot
(str) NULL or vector colour for each sample (same length
as apexValue
, widthMin
, widthMax
, acquTime
(bool) if TRUE x and y axis are reversed
(bool) if TRUE message when NA scans are removed
Grob (ggplot object)
## Input data
apexVal <- c(1, 2, 3, 4)
minVal <- c(0, 0, 2, 2)
maxVal <- c(2, 4, 4, 5)
acqTime <- as.POSIXct(c('2017-07-13 21:06:14', '2017-07-14 21:06:14',
'2017-07-15 21:06:14', '2017-07-16 21:06:14'))
## Plot 4 sampels with colour
peakPantheR_plotPeakwidth(apexValue=apexVal, widthMin=minVal,widthMax=maxVal,
acquTime=NULL, varName='Test variable 1',
rotateAxis=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
## Plot 4 samples with colour by acquisition time
peakPantheR_plotPeakwidth(apexValue=apexVal, widthMin=minVal,widthMax=maxVal,
acquTime=acqTime, varName='Test variable 2',
rotateAxis=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
## Plot 4 samples with colour, rotate axis
peakPantheR_plotPeakwidth(apexValue=apexVal, widthMin=minVal,widthMax=maxVal,
acquTime=NULL, varName='Test variable 3',
rotateAxis=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)
## Plot 4 samples with colour by acquisition time, rotate axis
peakPantheR_plotPeakwidth(apexValue=apexVal, widthMin=minVal,widthMax=maxVal,
acquTime=acqTime, varName='Test variable 4',
rotateAxis=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)