Performs retention time correction to re-adjust the expected retention time position of compounds. Requires an annotated peakPantheRAnnotation object (isAnnotated=TRUE). The original rt value is used as expected and the observed deviation measured in the rt_dev_sec field is taken as the deviation to be corrected.

# S4 method for peakPantheRAnnotation
    rtCorrectionReferences = NULL,
    method = "polynomial",
    params = list(polynomialOrder = 2),
    robust = FALSE,
    rtWindowWidth = 15,
    diagnostic = TRUE



(peakPantheRAnnotation) object with previous fit results to adjust retention time values in uROI and FIR annotationObject, rtCorrectionReferences=NULL,


(list) of compounds IDs (cpdID) to be used as retention time references. All cpdID entries must be present in the object and previously annotated. If NULL, use all compounds.


(str) name of RT correction method to use (currently polynomial or constant


(list) list of parameters to pass to each correction method. Currently allowed inputs are polynomialOrder for method='polynomial'


(bool) whether to use the RANSAC algorithm to flag and ignore outliers during retention time correction


(numeric) full width in seconds of the retention time window defined around the corrected retention time value for each compound


(bool) If TRUE returns diagnostic plots (specific to each correction method)


(list) containing entries `annotation`, with the new and retention time corrected peakPantheRAnnotation, and `plot` (if diagnostic=TRUE).


## Initialise a peakPantheRAnnotation object with 3 samples and 2 targeted
## compounds

# Paths to spectra files
spectraPaths <- c(system.file('cdf/KO/ko15.CDF', package = 'faahKO'),
                    system.file('cdf/KO/ko16.CDF', package = 'faahKO'))

# targetFeatTable
targetFeatTable <- data.frame(matrix(vector(), 2, 8, dimnames=list(c(),
                    'mzMax'))), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
targetFeatTable[1,] <- c('ID-1', 'Cpd 1', 3310., 3344.888, 3390., 522.194778,
                        522.2, 522.205222)
targetFeatTable[2,] <- c('ID-2', 'Cpd 2', 3280., 3385.577, 3440., 496.195038,
                        496.2, 496.204962)
targetFeatTable[,c(3:8)] <- vapply(targetFeatTable[,c(3:8)], as.numeric,

smallAnnotation  <- peakPantheRAnnotation(spectraPaths=spectraPaths,
# annotate files serially
annotation_result <- peakPantheR_parallelAnnotation(smallAnnotation,
                                            ncores=0, verbose=TRUE)
data_annotation   <- annotation_result$annotation

# Example with constant correction
rtCorrectionOutput <- retentionTimeCorrection(
                        annotationObject = data_annotation,
                        method='constant', params=list(),

rtCorrectedAnnotation <- rtCorrectionOutput$annotation

# rtCorrectedAnnotation
# An object of class peakPantheRAnnotation
#  2 compounds in 2 samples.
#  updated ROI exists, with a modified rt (uROI)
#  uses updated ROI (uROI)
#  uses fallback integration regions (FIR)
#  is annotated

rtCorrectionPlot <- rtCorrectionOutput$plot
# rtCorrectedPlot
# A ggplot2 object
#  Scatterplot where x=`r` in the and y=`rt_dev_sec` from data_annotation
#  Points colored depending on whether the reference was used to fit
# the correction model
#> Processing 2 compounds in 2 samples:
#>   uROI:	FALSE
#> ----- ko15 -----
#> Polarity can not be extracted from netCDF files, please set manually the polarity with the 'polarity' method.
#> Check input, mzMLPath must be a .mzML
#> Reading data from 2 windows
#> Data read in: 1.28 secs
#> Warning: rtMin/rtMax outside of ROI; datapoints cannot be used for mzMin/mzMax calculation, approximate mz and returning ROI$mzMin and ROI$mzMax for ROI #1
#> Found 2/2 features in 0.01 secs
#> Peak statistics done in: 0 secs
#> Feature search done in: 1.76 secs
#> ----- ko16 -----
#> Polarity can not be extracted from netCDF files, please set manually the polarity with the 'polarity' method.
#> Check input, mzMLPath must be a .mzML
#> Reading data from 2 windows
#> Data read in: 1.45 secs
#> Warning: rtMin/rtMax outside of ROI; datapoints cannot be used for mzMin/mzMax calculation, approximate mz and returning ROI$mzMin and ROI$mzMax for ROI #1
#> Warning: rtMin/rtMax outside of ROI; datapoints cannot be used for mzMin/mzMax calculation, approximate mz and returning ROI$mzMin and ROI$mzMax for ROI #2
#> Found 2/2 features in 0.01 secs
#> Peak statistics done in: 0 secs
#> Feature search done in: 1.91 secs
#> Annotation object cannot be reordered by sample acquisition date
#> ----------------
#> Parallel annotation done in: 4.49 secs
#>   0 failure(s)